
Check the creditworthiness of your customers.

  • Learn to assess customers correctly
  • Identify business risks before they arise
  • Available nationally and internationally
  • Personal support at your company location

Search in CrediWEB


Creditreform takes care of your outstanding receivables

  • Fast collection of unpaid invoices
  • Prejudicial and legal debt collection
  • Management of loss certificates
Ihr direkter Kontakt zum Inkasso-TeamInkasso

Security in e-commerce also with purchase on account

  • Integration into your webshop through plug-ins
  • Individual control options for credit decisions
  • Recognition of fraud patterns in online commerce
Ihr direkter Kontakt zum Inkasso-TeamInkasso
Ihr direkter Kontakt zum TeamWirtschaftsauskünfte

Settle a claim

We explain in a few steps who you can contact, how to make payments and what options are generally available.

Ihr direkter Draht zur KundenberatungKundenberatung

Know Your Customer

Meet regulatory compliance requirements in the same step as underwriting


Order an individual order

Do you need one-off information about one of your business partners? You can order a single report here.


Basel IV macht Ratings wichtiger

Zum Jahresbeginn wurden die Eigenkapitalanforderungen für kreditgebende Banken erhöht. Das wird insbesondere für Unternehmen ohne Rating Folgen haben.…

Weiter steigende Zahl der Neueintragungen, Firmenkonkurse legen nochmals um fast 8 % zu

Firmen- und Privat-Konkurse sowie der Neueintragungen und Löschungen mit Vorjahresvergleich.

Nicht auf Kosten der Gläubiger

Artikel zur Schuldensanierung von Raoul Egeli in der Schweizerischen Gewerbezeitung

Become a member

Become a member in just a few steps


More security for your international business

Creditreform helps you to make your business a success with international credit reports.

Learn more

Payment experiences of 12.000 members

The purpose of Creditreform is to protect its members from losses on receivables. As a self-help organisation organised as a cooperative, the exchange of payment experiences has been of great importance for a long time. The more such data are available, the easier to identify irregularities or emerging difficulties to pay, which will enable you to react in an adequate manner long before any debt enforcement procedures are initiated.

Register here and now for Xchange!

Report payment experiences

We are happy to advise you


Ihr direkter Kontakt zum Team
Creditreform Luzern Vogel AG
Seeburgstrasse 20
6000 Luzern 15

Plan route

Service hours

Phone +41 41 - 370 19 - 44
Mon to fri: 08:00 - 12:00
Mon to fri: 13:00 - 17:00

More info