Connections for WebShops

Online trading has been booming constantly. The risks associated with mail-order trade are exponentially higher than those of the on-site trading. Is my customer really the one he pretends to be?

E-Commerce security

Integration into the buying process

Online trading has been booming constantly. At the same time, the risks associated with mail-order trade are exponentially higher than those of classical on-site trading. Is my customer really the one he pretends to be? What risks can I take, i.e. up to which amount may I supply on account? Or not at all.

Intelligent risk management with RiskCUBE

The payment method "invoice" is only offered to customers whose creditworthiness has been checked and who present a calculable risk. An intelligent set of rules detects misuse and excludes it. After entering the address details and before displaying the payment options, the data are transferred to RiskCUBE. RiskCUBE checks the creditworthiness and behaviour of the shop orderer. In the event of poor creditworthiness, unusual behaviour, lack of a valid address or exceeding the credit limits defined by the shop owner, the invoice option is not displayed. Depending on risk-taking propensity and margin, the display of the invoice option can be limited or extended.

Webshop PlugIN

A whole variety of Webshop solutions are available for entry in online trading, and customer checking by Creditreform can be integrated in the most common applications on a modular basis. This means that identification of the customers and creditworthiness checking will be integrated into the customer’s purchase process directly as a background feature, and individual methods of payment can be displayed. The creditworthiness signal lights can be adjusted individually so that it will be possible without any problems and within just fractions of a second to make automated decisions. 

Overview of the available versions


With RiskCUBE

Without RiskCUBE

ab Version 2.2
Link to order
Version 8.1.x
Link to order
More information       
ab Version 3.14
More information and download
WordPress Version: 5.3 or higher, 
PHP Version: 7.4 or higher
ab Version 6
ab Version 5.1.0
(Support PHP 5.4 (EOL),
5.5, 5.6, 7.0)
ab Version 9
bis Version 8
ab Version 2016


System documentation

User login

Here you can access technical documentation RiskCUBE.

Other solutions:

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