Become a member at Creditreform

Do join the largest community for the protection of creditors. Members benefit from extensive advantages and, when joining, are given access to solutions for safer business transactions.

Creditreform - a powerful partner

The aim of Creditreform is to improve the security of your customer relations and increase your liquidity. Be it in your interaction with companies, private individuals, or with customers in your country or abroad: with Creditreform, you are on the safe side. With economic and creditworthiness related information that speaks a clear language, you will know in advance whom you are involved with. The debt collection service of the Creditreform companies will recover your receivables. Thus, you can count on a strong partner supporting you on all levels of your business activities.

Advantages for GRYPS customers

For customers of the Gryps, the online portal for SMEs, the annual fee for the current year is waived.


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Order a single order

Order information on your business partner once, no membership required.

To the order form

Make payment

You have received a letter from Creditreform? Here you can find out how to proceed. 

Settle claim

Exchange of information

Have you had a bad experience? Inform other members of the cooperative.

Report payment experiences